Chapter 1: Matter in Our Surroundings
NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings IN-TEXT QUESTIONS SOLVED NCERT Textbook for Class 9 Science – Page 3Question 1. Which of the following are matter?Chair, air, love, smell, hate, almonds, thought,…
Chapter 2: Is Matter Around Us Pure
IN-TEXT QUESTIONS SOLVED NCERT Textbook for Class 9 Science – Page 15Question 1. What is meant by a substance?Answer: A substance is a type of matter with uniform properties that cannot be separated by physical means. Question 2….
Chapter 3: Atoms and Molecules
IN-TEXT QUESTIONS SOLVED NCERT Textbook for Class 9 Science – Page 32Question 1. In a reaction 5.3 g of sodium carbonate reacted with 6 g of ethanoic acid. The products were 2.2 g of carbon dioxide, 0.9 g…
Chapter 16: Management of Natural Resources
Question 1What changes would you suggest in your home in order to be environment friendly?Answer:We would suggest following changes in our home to make it environment friendly. Question 2Can you suggest some changes in your school which…
Chapter 4: Structure of Atom
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 4 Structure of Atom NCERT Textbook for Class 9 Science – Page 47Question 1. What are canal rays?Answer: Canal rays are positively charged radiations which led to the discovery of positively…
Chapter 15: Our Environment
Question 1Which of the following groups contain only biodegradable item ?(a) Grass, flowers and leather(b) Grass, wood and plastic(c) Fruit peels, cake and lime juice(d) Cake, wood and grassAnswer:(a) Grass, flowers and leather. Question 2Which of the…
Chapter 5: The Fundamental Unit of Life
Question 1. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures with examples.Answer: Question 2. How are sol, solution and suspension different from each other?Answer: Question 3. To make a saturated solution, 36 g of sodium chloride is dissolved in…
Chapter 14: Sources of Energy
Question 1A solar water heater cannot be used to get hot water on(a) a sunny day(b) a cloudy day(c) a hot day(d) a windy dayAnswer:(b) A cloudy day. Question 2Which of the following is not an example…
Chapter 6: Tissues
NCERT Textbook for Class 9 Science – Page 69 Question 1. What is a tissue?Answer: A group of cells that are similar in structure and work together to do a peculiar function is called tissue. Question 2. What…
Chapter 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Question 1Which of the following correctly describes the magnetic field near a long straight wire ?(i) the field consists of straight lines perpendicular to the wire(ii) the field consists of straight lines parallel to the wire(iii) the…

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