JavaScript (Full Course)
Original price was: ₹35,188.₹14,156Current price is: ₹14,156. Inclusive of all taxes
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript, a versatile and dynamic programming language, is widely used for web development Initially designed to enhance user interactivity on web pages, it has evolved into a powerful and essential tool for building diverse applications Known for its compatibility with all major browsers, JavaScript enables developers to create interactive elements, handle data asynchronously, and build responsive user interfaces With its widespread adoption, JavaScript plays a pivotal role in shaping the modern web, making it an indispensable language for both frontend and backend development.
What Vikrant Academy® offers with Live Classes?
We offer 60 hours JavaScript course which include full lessons with real time learning project that will increase your Software Development by 10X.
Course Duration: 90 Days
No. of Hours: 60
Product Description
- Installing the Software
- Free Learning Project
Getting Started with Values, Types, and Operators
- Values
- Numbers
- Strings
- Unary operators
- Boolean values
- Empty values
- Automatic type conversion
Program Structure
- Expressions and statements
- Bindings
- Binding names
- The environment
- Functions
- The console log function
- Return values
- Control flow
- Conditional execution
- while and do loops
- Indenting Code
- for loops
- Breaking Out of a Loop
- Updating bindings succinctly
- Dispatching on a value with switch
- Capitalization
- Comments
- Summary
- Defining a function
- Bindings and scopes
- Functions as values
- Declaration notation
- Arrow functions
- The call stack
- Optional Arguments
- Closure
- Recursion
- Growing functions
- Functions and side effects
Data Structures: Objects and Arrays
- The weresquirrel
- Data sets
- Properties
- Methods
- Objects
- Mutability
- The lycanthrope’s log
- Computing correlation
- Array loops
- The final analysis
- Further arrayology
- Strings and their properties
- Rest parameters
- The Math object
- Destructuring
Higher-order Functions
- Abstraction
- Abstracting repetition
- Higher-order functions
- Script data set
- Filtering arrays
- Transforming with map
- Summarizing with reduce
- Composability
- Strings and character codes
- Recognizing text
- Summary
The Secret Life of Objects
- Encapsulation
- Methods
- Prototypes
- Classes
- Class notation
- Overriding derived properties
- Maps
- Polymorphism
- Symbols
- The iterator interfaces
- Getters, setters, and statics
- Inheritance
- The instance of operator
Project: A Robot
- Meadowfield
- The task
- Persistent data
- Simulation
- The mail truck’s route
- Pathfinding
Bugs and Errors
- Language
- Strict mode
- Types
- Testing
- Debugging
- Error propagation
- Exceptions
- Cleaning up after exceptions
- Selective catching
- Assertions
Regular Expressions
- Creating a regular expression
- Testing for matches
- Sets of characters
- Repeating parts of a pattern
- Grouping subexpressions
- Matches and groups
- The Date class
- Word and string boundaries
- Choice patterns
- The mechanics of matching
- Backtracking
- The replace method
- Greed
- Dynamically creating RegExp objects
- The search method
- The lastIndex property
- Parsing an INI file
- International characters
- Modules
- Packages
- Improvised modules
- Evaluating data as code
- CommonJS
- ECMAScript modules
- Building and bundling
- Module design
Asynchronous Programming
- Asynchronicity
- Crow tech
- Callbacks
- Promises
- Failure
- Networks are hard
- Collections of promises
- Network flooding
- Message routing
- Async functions
- Generators
- The event loop
- Asynchronous bugs
Project: A Programming Language
- Parsing
- The evaluator
- Special forms
- The environment
- Functions
- Compilation
- Cheating
JavaScript and the Browser
- Networks and the Internet
- The Web
- HTML and JavaScript
- In the sandbox
- Compatibility and the browser wars
The Document Object Model
- Document structure
- Trees
- The standard
- Moving through the tree
- Finding elements
- Changing the document
- Creating nodes
- Attributes
- Layout
- Styling
- Cascading styles
- Query selectors
- Positioning and animating
Handling Events
- Event handlers
- Events and DOM nodes
- Event objects
- Propagation
- Default actions
- Key events
- Pointer events
- Scroll events
- Focus events
- Load event
- Events and the event loop
- Timers
- Debouncing
Project: A Platform Game
- The game
- The technology
- Levels
- Reading a level
- Actors
- Encapsulation as a burden
- Drawing
- Motion and collision
- Actor updates
- Tracking keys
- Running the game
Drawing on Canvas
- The canvas element
- Lines and surfaces
- Paths
- Curves
- Drawing a pie chart
- Text
- Images
- Transformation
- Storing and clearing transformations
- Back to the game
- Choosing a graphics interface
HTTP and Forms
- The protocol
- Browsers and HTTP
- Fetch
- HTTP sandboxing
- Appreciating HTTP
- Security and HTTPS
- Form fields
- Focus
- Disabled fields
- The form as a whole
- Text fields
- Checkboxes and radio buttons
- Select fields
- File fields
- Storing data client-side
Project: A Pixel Art Editor
- Components
- The state
- DOM building
- The canvas
- The application
- Drawing tools
- Saving and loading
- Undo history
- Let’s draw
- Why is this so hard?
- Background
- The node command
- Modules
- Installing with NPM
- The file system module
- The HTTP module
- Streams
- A file server
Project: Skill-Sharing Website
- Design
- Long polling
- HTTP interface
- The server
- The client
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