Python Full Course
Original price was: ₹35,188.₹9,997Current price is: ₹9,997. Inclusive of all taxes
What’s in our Python Course?
The Python Full Course provides a comprehensive overview of Python programming language, catering to beginners and intermediate learners alike.
Covering fundamental concepts such as variables, data types, and control structures, the course progresses to more advanced topics including object-oriented programming, file handling, and exception handling. Participants engage in hands-on exercises and projects to reinforce their understanding and practical skills. Special emphasis is placed on real-world applications of Python, including web development, data analysis, and automation. By the end of the course, students emerge with a solid foundation in Python programming, equipped to tackle diverse projects and pursue further specialization in the field.
What Vikrant Academy® offers with Live Classes?
We offer 60 hours Python Full course which include full lessons with real time learning project that will increase your level of AI Learning Skill by 10X.
Course Duration: 90 Days
No. of Hours: 60
Product Description
- Setting Up Your Programming Environment
- Python and Python
- Running Snippets of Python Code
- Hello World!
- Python on Different Operating Systems
- Python on Linux
- Python on OS X
- Python on Windows
- Troubleshooting Installation Issues
- Running Python Programs from a Terminal
- On Linux and OS X
- On Windows
- Exercise -: Hello World Typos
- Exercise -: Infinite Skills
- Summary
What Really Happens When You Run
- Naming and Using Variables
- Avoiding Name Errors When Using Variables
DIY: Run a Simple Message
- Changing Case in a String with Methods
- Combining or Concatenating Strings
- Adding Whitespace to Strings with Tabs or Newlines
- Stripping Whitespace
- Avoiding Syntax Errors with Strings
- Printing in Python
Project -: Personal Message
Project -: Name Cases
Project -: Famous Quote
Project -: Famous Quote
Project -: Stripping Names
- Integers
- Floats
- Avoiding Type Errors with the str() Function
- Integers in Python
Project -: Number Eight
Project -: Favorite Number
- How Do You Write Comments?
- What Kind of Comments Should You Write?
Project -: Adding Comments
The Zen of Python
Project -: Zen of Python
What Is a List?
- Accessing Elements in a List
- Index Positions Start at , Not
- Using Individual Values from a List
Project -: Names
Project -: Greetings
Project -: Your Own List
- Modifying Elements in a List
- Adding Elements to a List
- Removing Elements from a List
Project -: Guest List
Project -: Changing Guest List
Project -: More Guests
Project -: Shrinking Guest List
- Sorting a List Permanently with the sort() Method
- Sorting a List Temporarily with the sorted() Function
- Printing a List in Reverse Order
- Finding the Length of a List
Project -: Seeing the World
Project -: Dinner Guests
Project -: Every Function
Avoiding Index Errors When Working with Lists
Project -: Intentional Error
- Looping Through an Entire List
- A Closer Look at Looping
- Doing More Work Within a for Loop
- Doing Something After a for Loop
- Forgetting to Indent
- Forgetting to Indent Additional Lines
- Indenting Unnecessarily
- Indenting Unnecessarily After the Loop
- Forgetting the Colon
Project -: Pizzas
Project -: Animals
- Using the range() Function
- Using range() to Make a List of Numbers
- Simple Statistics with a List of Numbers
- List Comprehensions
Project -: Counting to Twenty
Project -: One Million
Project -: Summing a Million
Project -: Odd Numbers
Project -: Threes
Project -: Cubes
Project -: Cube Comprehension
- Slicing a List
- Looping Through a Slice
- Copying a List
Project -: Slices
Project -: My Pizzas, Your Pizzas
Project -: More Loops
- Defining a Tuple
- Looping Through All Values in a Tuple
- Writing over a Tuple
Project -: Buffet
- The Style Guide
- Indentation
- Line Length
- Blank Lines
- Other Style Guidelines
Project -: PEP
Project -: Code Review
- A Simple Example
- Conditional Tests
- Checking for Equality
- Ignoring Case When Checking for Equality
- Checking for Inequality
- Numerical Comparisons
- Checking Multiple Conditions
- Checking Whether a Value Is in a List
- Checking Whether a Value Is Not in a List
- Boolean Expressions
Project -: Conditional Tests
Project -: More Conditional Tests
- Simple if Statements
- if-else Statements
- The if-elif-else Chain
- Using Multiple elif Blocks
- Omitting the else Block
- Testing Multiple Conditions
Project -: Alien Colors #
Project -: Alien Colors #
Project -: Alien Colors #
Project -: Stages of Life
Project -: Favorite Fruit
- Checking for Special Items
- Checking That a List Is Not Empty
- Using Multiple Lists
Project -: Hello Admin
Project -: No Users
Project -: Checking Usernames
Project -: Ordinal Numbers
Styling if statements
Your Ideas
- A Simple Dictionary
- Working with Dictionaries
- Accessing Values in a Dictionary
- Adding New Key-Value Pairs
- Starting with an Empty Dictionary
- Modifying Values in a Dictionary
- Removing Key-Value Pairs
- A Dictionary of Similar Objects
Project -: Person
Project -: Favorite Numbers
Project -: Glossary
- Looping Through All Key-Value Pairs
- Looping Through All the Keys in a Dictionary
- Looping Through a Dictionary’s Keys in Order
- Looping Through All Values in a Dictionary
Project -: Glossary
Project -: Rivers
Project -: Polling
- A List of Dictionaries
- A List in a Dictionary
- A Dictionary in a Dictionary
Project -: People
Project -: Pets
Project -: Favorite Places
Project -: Favorite Numbers
Project -: Cities
Project -: Extensions
- How the input() Function Works
- Writing Clear Prompts
- Using int() to Accept Numerical Input
- The Modulo Operator
- Accepting Input in Python
Project -: Rental Car
Project -: Restaurant Seating
Project -: Multiples of Ten
- The while Loop in Action
- Letting the User Choose When to Quit
- Using a Flag
- Using break to Exit a Loop
- Using continue in a Loop
- Avoiding Infinite Loops
Project -: Pizza Toppings
Project -: Movie Tickets
Project -: Three Exits
Project -: Infinity
- Moving Items from One List to Another
- Removing All Instances of Specific Values from a List
- Filling a Dictionary with User Input
Project -: Deli
Project -: No Pastrami
Project -: Dream Vacation
- Defining a Function
- Passing Information to a Function
- Arguments and Parameters
Project -: Message
Project -: Favorite Book
- Positional Arguments
- Keyword Arguments
- Default Values
- Equivalent Function Calls
- Avoiding Argument Errors
Project -: T-Shirt
Project -: Large Shirts
Project -: Cities
- Returning a Simple Value
- Making an Argument Optional
- Returning a Dictionary
- Using a Function with a while Loop
Project -: City Names
Project -: Album
Project -: User Albums
- Modifying a List in a Function
- Preventing a Function from Modifying a List
Project -: Magicians
Project -: Great Magicians
Project -: Unchanged Magicians
- Mixing Positional and Arbitrary Arguments
- Using Arbitrary Keyword Arguments
Project -: Sandwiches
Project -: User Profile
Project -: Cars
- Importing an Entire Module
- Importing Specific Functions
- Using as to Give a Function an Alias
- Using as to Give a Module an Alias
- Importing All Functions in a Module
Project -: Printing Models
Project -: Imports
Project -: Styling Functions
- Creating and Using a Class
- Creating the Dog Class
- Making an Instance from a Class
Project -: Restaurant
Project -: Three Restaurants
Project -: Users
- The Car Class
- Setting a Default Value for an Attribute
- Modifying Attribute Values
Project -: Number Served
Project -: Login Attempts
- The __init__() Method for a Child Class
- Inheritance in Python
- Defining Attributes and Methods for the Child Class
- Overriding Methods from the Parent Class
- Instances as Attributes
- Modelling Real-World Objects
Project -: Ice Cream Stand
Project -: Admin
Project -: Privileges
Project -: Battery Upgrade
- Importing a Single Class
- Storing Multiple Classes in a Module
- Importing Multiple Classes from a Module
- Importing an Entire Module
- Importing All Classes from a Module
- Importing a Module into a Module
- Finding Your Own Workflow
Project -: Imported Restaurant
Project -: Imported Admin
Project -: Multiple Modules
Project -: OrderedDict Rewrite
Project -: Dice
Project -: Python Module of the Week
Styling Classes
- Reading from a File
- Reading an Entire File
- File Paths
- Reading Line by Line
- Making a List of Lines from a File
- Working with a File’s Contents
- Large Files: One Million Digits
- Is Your Birthday Contained in Pi?
Project -: Learning Python
Project -: Learning C
- Writing to an Empty File
- Writing Multiple Lines
- Appending to a File
Project -: Guest
Project -: Guest Book
Project -: Programming Poll
- Handling the ZeroDivisionError Exception
- Using try-except Blocks
- Using Exceptions to Prevent Crashes
- The else Block
- Handling the FileNotFoundError Exception
- Analysing Text
- Working with Multiple Files
- Failing Silently
- Deciding Which Errors to Report
Project -: Addition
Project -: Addition Calculator
Project -: Cats and Dogs
Project -: Silent Cats and Dogs
Project -: Common Words
- Using json dump() and json load()
- Saving and Reading User-Generated Data
- Refactoring
Project -: Favorite Number
Project -: Favorite Number Remembered
Project -: Verify User
Testing a Function
- Unit Tests and Test Cases
- A Passing Test
- A Failing Test
- Responding to a Failed Test
- Adding New Tests
Project -: City, Country
Project -: Population
- A Variety of Assert Methods
- A Class to Test
- Testing the AnonymousSurvey Class
- The setUp() Method
Project -: Employee
Lesson 1: A Ship That Fires Bullets
Planning Your Project
Installing Pygame
- Installing Python Packages with pip
- Installing Pygame on Linux
- Installing Pygame on OS X
- Installing Pygame on Windows
Lesson 2: Starting the Game Project
- Creating a Pygame Window and Responding to User Input
- Setting the Background Color
- Creating a Settings Class
Lesson 3: Adding the Ship Image
- Creating the Ship Class
- Drawing the Ship to the Screen
Lesson 4: Refactoring: the game_functions Module
- The check_events() Function
- The update_screen() Function
- Project -: Blue Sky
- Project -: Game Character
Lesson 5: Piloting the Ship
- Responding to a Keypress
- Allowing Continuous Movement
- Moving Both Left and Right
- Adjusting the Ship’s Speed
- Limiting the Ship’s Range
- Refactoring check_events()
Lesson 6: A Quick Recap
- alien_invasion py
- settings py
- game_functions py
- ship py
- Project -: Rocket
- Project -: Keys
Lesson 7: Shooting Bullets
- Adding the Bullet Settings
- Creating the Bullet Class
- Storing Bullets in a Group
- Firing Bullets
- Deleting Old Bullets
- Limiting the Number of Bullets
- Creating the update_bullets() Function
- Creating the fire_bullet() Function
- Project -: Sideways Shooter
Lesson 8: Reviewing Your Project
- Creating the First Alien
- Creating the Alien Class
- Creating an Instance of the Alien
- Making the Alien Appear Onscreen
Lesson 9: Building the Alien Fleet
- Determining How Many Aliens Fit in a Row
- Creating Rows of Aliens
- Creating the Fleet
- Refactoring create_fleet()
- Adding Rows
- Project -: Stars
- Project -: Better Stars
Lesson 10: Making the Fleet Move
- Moving the Aliens Right
- Creating Settings for Fleet Direction
- Checking to See Whether an Alien Has Hit the Edge
- Dropping the Fleet and Changing Direction
- Project -: Raindrops
- Project -: Steady Rain
Lesson 11: Shooting Aliens
- Detecting Bullet Collisions
- Making Larger Bullets for Testing
- Repopulating the Fleet
- Speeding Up the Bullets
- Refactoring update_bullets()
- Project -: Catch
Lesson 12: Ending the Game
- Detecting Alien-Ship Collisions
- Responding to Alien-Ship Collisions
- Aliens that Reach the Bottom of the Screen
- Game Over!
- Identifying When Parts of the Game Should Run
- Project -: Game Over
Lesson 13: Scoring
- Adding the Play Button
- Creating a Button Class
- Drawing the Button to the Screen
- Starting the Game
- Resetting the Game
- Deactivating the Play Button
- Hiding the Mouse Cursor
- Project -: Press P to Play
- Project -: Target Practice
Lesson 14: Levelling Up
- Modifying the Speed Settings
- Resetting the Speed
- Project -: Challenging Target Practice
Lesson 15: Scoring
- Displaying the Score
- Making a Scoreboard
- Updating the Score as Aliens Are Shot Down
- Making Sure to Score All Hits
- Increasing Point Values
- Rounding the Score
- High Scores
- Displaying the Level
- Displaying the Number of Ships
- Project -: All-Time High Score
- Project -: Refactoring
- Project -: Expanding Alien Invasion
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