Chapter 4: In the Kingdom of Fools
NCERT Textbook Questions Think about it(Page 27) Question 1.What are the two strange things the guru and his disciple find in the Kingdom of Fools?Answer:The Guru and the disciple found that in the Kingdom of Fools people…
Chapter 2: The Adventures of Toto
NCERT Textbook Questions Think about it(Page 11) Question 1.How does Toto come to grand-father’s private zoo?Answer:Grandfather loved animals. One day he saw this attractive monkey with a tonga- driver. The monkey was tied to a feeding- trough…
Class 9 English Supplementary Reader Moments Chapter 1 The Lost Child
NCERT Textbook Questions Think about it(Page 6) Question 1.What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind?Answer:On his way to the fair the child sees toys, balloons of…
Chapter 5: The Happy Prince
NCERT Textbook Questions Think about it(Page 36) Question 1.Why do the courtiers call the prince ‘the Happy Prince’? Is he really happy? What does he see all around him?Answer:He was a prince when he was alive. Being…
Chapter 6: Weathering the Storm in Ersama
NCERT Textbook Questions Think about it(Page 42) Question 1.What havoc has the super cyclone wrecked in the life of the people of Orissa?Answer:It was a devastating storm which washed the houses away and destroyed hundreds of villages….

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