Poem 2: Geography Lesson
Geography Lesson NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers
Geography Lesson Working with the poem (Page 35)
Question 1.
Find three or four phrases in stanzas one and two wbich are likely to occur in a geography lesson.
The following phrases may occur in a geography lesson :
(i) Scaled six inches to the mile ……
(ii) Cities where the river ran and …….. valleys were populated
(iii) …… Land and water attracted man
(iv) ……….earth was round.
Question 2.
Seen from the window of an aeroplane, the city appears
(i) as haphazard as on ground
(ii) as neat as a map
(iii) as developed as necessary
Mark the right answer.
(iii) as developed at necessary
Question 3.
Which of the following statements are examples of the logic of geography?
(i) There are cities where there are rivers.
(ii) Cities appear as they are not from six miles above the ground.
(iii) It is easy to understand why valleys are populated.
(iv) It is difficult to understand why humans hate and kill one another.
(v) The earth is round, and it has more sea than land.
The following statements are examples of the logic of geography’ :
(i) There are cities where there are rivers.
(ii) It is easy to understand why valleys are populated.
(iii) The earth is round, and its has more sea than land.
Question 4.
Mention two things that are
(i) clear from the height
(ii) not clear from the height
Two things that are clear from the height are,
(i) Land and water
Two things that are not clear from the height are
(ii) Human beings and structural designs.
Geography Lesson Introduction
The poet describes a city-view from thousand feet above the ground and gives a neatly planned and perfect in proportion design. Imagine you are ten thousand feet above and see your city below, won’t it strike you as different one from what it actually is!
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