It happens to most of us at our early stage of grammar learning that we often get confused “when to use do and when to use does” or “when to use was and when to use were” and so in this blog we’re going to help you figuring out the right way of speaking good English with good grammar. I’m now sharing the easiest rule which we have developed during our course, they are known as SHI rule, sounds as Shy, funny isn’t!

We know that in grammars there are 7 subjects, they are I, You, He, She, We, They, It. Now in this blog we’re only talking about Simple present of an indicative moods, there are other mood such as subjunctive which we may discuss in our next blog. For now, let’s discuss just about the simple present tense.

So, as we know Simple present tense has following subject and it used bare infinite as its verb form, therefore following are the case for the verb “to eat”

I eat.

You eat

She eats.

He eats.

It eats.

We eat

They eat.

We guess that some of you may smart enough knowing the third-party singular rule, but this will help out learning easily. Here’s how: Notice that about case He, she and it and all of them are using the verb that is eats.

Now all you have to do is to remember the first letter of the subject and arrange it, you will find SHI. Which will help you remembering the verb used in the Simple present easily.

That’s it for today’s blog we’ll come up with more interesting blog to make your learning journey easier.

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