Shubham Raja

An IIT Aspirant

Shubham Raja, a bright and ambitious student, embarked on a journey of academic excellence that would lead him to remarkable achievements. Hailing from Vikrant Academy Online Learning, Shubham's passion for learning and dedication set him apart from his peers.

With unwavering support from his mentors at Vikrant Academy, Shubham honed his skills and nurtured his love for science. He immersed himself in rigorous study sessions, fuelled by a desire to excel in his choosen endeavour.

Shubham's hard work and determination bore fruit when he emerged as the Gold Medallist in the Science Olympiad Examination, an accolade that resonated throughout the entire East India region. The prestigious award, a testament to his brilliance and perseverance, was a moment of pride not only for Shubham but also for his supportive family.

As Shubham stood on stage, basking in the glow of his achievement, it was his mother who stood by his side, beaming with pride and joy. Her unwavering belief in her son's abilities had been a constant source of inspiration, and seeing him receive the gold medal was a moment she would cherish forever.

Buoyed by his success, Shubham set his sights on a new goal: enrolment in the esteemed Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Armed with his passion for science, a stellar academic record, and the invaluable lessons learned at Vikrant Academy, Shubham embarked on the rigorous journey of IIT preparation with determination and focus.

As he navigates the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, Shubham remains steadfast in his pursuit of excellence. With the unwavering support of his family, the guidance of his mentors, and his own indomitable spirit, there is no doubt that Shubham Raja will continue to shine brightly on his path to success.