
A Story of a Genius Kid

Roshan was not your average 12-year-old. From a young age, he displayed an insatiable curiosity and a remarkable aptitude for problem-solving. It was clear to everyone around him that Roshan was destined for greatness.

At the age of 10, Roshan stumbled upon coding during a visit to Vikrant Academy Tech Exhibition in Patna with his parents. Intrigued by the endless possibilities of computer programming, he enrolled in their coding classes, eager to explore this new world of technology.

Under the expert guidance of the instructors at Vikrant Academy, Roshan's natural talent for coding flourished. He devoured every lesson with an eagerness that belied his age, quickly grasping complex concepts and techniques. With each passing day, Roshan's proficiency in programming grew by leaps and bounds.

By the time he turned 12, Roshan had become a coding prodigy. Armed with a deep understanding of multiple programming languages and a creative approach to problem-solving, he could program computers with ease, developing intricate algorithms and crafting sophisticated software applications.

Roshan's extraordinary talent did not go unnoticed. He caught the attention of tech enthusiasts and industry professionals alike, earning accolades and recognition for his remarkable achievements at such a young age. His parents looked on with pride as their son's passion for coding transformed into a promising career path.

But for Roshan, the journey was just beginning. Fuelled by his love for technology and a thirst for knowledge, he continued to push the boundaries of what was possible, dreaming of one day revolutionizing the world with his innovations.

As Roshan's story spread far and wide, he became an inspiration to aspiring young coders everywhere, proving that age is no barrier to greatness when passion and determination are at play. And it all started with a curious 10-year-old boy and a coding class at Vikrant Academy.